Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to Build a Sexy Back

Jon Benson

You know that part of a woman's back that every guy likes? The "trench" that runs down the spine and comes alive when she wears an evening gown?Well, ladies, you can build this part of your back with just two exercises - two hard sets of each:

1. Low pulley cable rows
Using a cable row machine, keep your back at a near-90 degree angle to the bench. Pull to the lower part of your stomach, right around the navel. The trick: Pretend there are cords attached to your elbows pulling them backward. This helps you focus on the back muscles. Then squeeze the muscles together and lower the weight slowly.

2. Hyperextensions
On a hyperextension machine, lie down, face toward the floor, and lower your body slowly. Pull it back up to parallel using your lower and middle back muscles. This forces you to focus on making the muscles, not momentum, do the work. (Don't be afraid to use weight with this exercise, but build up to it.)

[Ed. Note: To build more muscle in less time while you burn body fat, pick up nutrition and fitness counselor Jon Benson's book, 7 Minute Muscle. It's a complete system for dropping fat and building muscle that's guaranteed to work for you. Try it for 60 days and prove it to yourself.

For more easy-to-follow exercises you can do at home - plus dozens of strategies for getting fit and living longer - sign up for ETR's natural health newsletter.]

Larry Potter

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