Thursday, March 5, 2009

Get Back to Basics

By Kelley Herring

Do you remember using litmus paper in science class to test the pH of a liquid? You'd dip the strip into a solution of lemon juice or baking soda and see if it was acidic or basic.

But a better use for that litmus paper may be to test your pH.

Without the proper acid/alkaline balance, enzymes don't work, oxygen delivery to cells suffers, and the body struggles to complete vital biochemical processes.

The culprit? Our modern diet.

Our meals are packed with acid-forming foods - especially sugars and refined grains, along with too much meat. And we eat too few alkaline-forming fresh foods - greens, vegetables, and fruits.
Get back to basics by aiming for at least 60 percent of your meals to be fresh and unprocessed, packed with these foods:

Cruciferous veggies
Citrus fruits (especially lemons)
Fermented veggies (like sauerkraut)

[Note: One of the best ways to stay healthy and live longer is to eat good foods. Nutrition expert Kelley Herring has collected dozens of her healthiest and most delicious recipes in her e-book Guilt Free Desserts. Pick up your copy today.]

For more advice on which foods you should - and shouldn't - be eating to stay in top health, sign up for ETR's free natural health newsletter.]

Larry Potter

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