Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bank Forced To Cancel $500,000+ Loan Balance After Owner Gets Loan Mod

A Long Island couple is home free after an outraged judge gave them
an amazing Thanksgiving present -- canceling their debt to ruthless
bankers trying to toss them out on the street.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

What the heck is Web 3.0 and theTRAFFICplan?

It's Web 1.0 + Web 2.0 = WEB 3.0

As you know, Web 1.0 was simply an acronym for eCommerce. Back then, retail stores wanted to do business on the internet rather than just using expensive retail storefronts. Many saw the power of the internet to attract an entirely new audience that may not have had the chance to visit their store in person. This would without doubt give them access to more potential customers for less cost.

Web 2.0, in its simplest definition and use today, has become an acronym for the everyday person's ability to communicate and collaborate globally using Social Networking. It has made things more user friendly to us, and as such, companies have come to embrace these new design and communication formats to engage with their customers.

Web 3.0 brings these two worlds together for the average person to be able to harness the power of the internet to begin to profit with multiple streams of income online by introducing products and services to their groups of followers (also known as their list and also as their tribe).

More info can be found at

We have live training every Wed evening, you don't want to miss it
and remember, it FR.33

Sunday, August 30, 2009

What the heck is Web 3.0 ?

What the heck is Web 3.0 ?

It's Web 1.0 + Web 2.0 = WEB 3.0

As you know, Web 1.0 was simply an acronym for eCommerce. Back then, retail stores wanted to do business on the internet rather than just using expensive retail storefronts. Many saw the power of the internet to attract an entirely new audience that may not have had the chance to visit their store in person. This would without doubt give them access to more potential customers for less cost.

Web 2.0, in its simplest definition and use today, has become an acronym for the everyday person's ability to communicate and collaborate globally using Social Networking. It has made things more user friendly to us, and as such, companies have come to embrace these new design and communication formats to engage with their customers.

Web 3.0 brings these two worlds together for the average person to be able to harness the power of the internet to begin to profit with multiple streams of income online by introducing products and services to their groups of followers (also known as their list and also as their tribe).

More info can be found at

We have live training every Wed evening, you don't want to miss it
and remember, it FR.33

Get Your Free Training

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Best Oil for Your Health (and You've Never Heard of It)

By Kelley Herring

If you think all vegetable oil is created equal, think again.

In fact, if you're using the wrong oils in your cooking, you could be aging faster than you should, developing serious hormonal problems, "gumming" up your pipes, and even encouraging cancer.

Today, I'd like to introduce you to one of the healthiest oils you can eat - avocado oil.

Here are four good reasons to stock up on this age-defying ingredient:

  • Trim your tummy. Avocado oil is one of the richest sources of monounsaturated fats on the planet. These healthy fats help lower insulin (aka, the fat storage hormone) and help reduce belly fat.
  • Saute safely. Thanks to having a flashpoint of 500 degrees F, this full-flavored oil is excellent for cooking at high temperatures.
  • Up your antioxidants. Avocado oil enables your body to absorb 17 times more carotenoids - the powerful antioxidants that give your salad its vibrant green, yellow, and red colors and guard your cells from free radical damage.
  • Guard your vision. Avocado oil has twice as much lutein as olive oil. Lutein is a nutrient that provides strong protection against macular degeneration - the leading cause of blindness.

With so many delicious uses - and so many reasons to use it - you need to make this "miracle" oil a mainstay in your healing kitchen. Look for the Olivado brand at Target.

[Ed Note: Most so-called "healthy" oils are loaded with free radicals, just waiting to be drizzled on your salad so they can attack your DNA. But if you're a savvy shopper, you can spot them from a Texas mile. Kelley Herring's new book, Your Plate, Your Fate, will show you how.]

Hope you enjoyed Kelley's article, I'm heade to Target!!

Larry at

Home of Free Web3.0 Internet Marketing Training

Friday, June 19, 2009

High Blood Pressure? Get More of This Mineral

By Kelley Herring

High blood pressure? Drop the mercury a notch by getting more potassium in your diet.

In a recent scientific review published in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension, researchers evaluated the literature for blood pressure studies on potassium, calcium, and magnesium. While all three of these nutrients help lower blood pressure, potassium was found to be of special importance. In fact, those getting the most potassium in their diets had the healthiest blood pressure levels.

It isn't just that Americans consume too little potassium (about half the recommended daily allowance), but also that we get too much sodium (about twice the RDA). Because potassium and sodium have opposing roles in the body, too much sodium and too little potassium is a recipe for high blood pressure.

Here are three ways to help get your blood pressure into a healthy range:

  • Steer clear of processed foods and plain table salt. Base your meals on fresh, whole foods and choose to season with herbs and spices. When you do use salt, use Celtic Sea Salt - a pure, natural salt that provides a balance of minerals, not just sodium.
  • Enjoy more potassium-rich foods like avocados, beans, lentils, Swiss chard, spinach, and cremini mushrooms.
  • Because most whole-foods multivitamins provide very little potassium, consider taking a potassium supplement (like potassium citrate) to get the 4.7 grams per day recommended by the Institute of Medicine.
[Ed. Note: Nutrition expert Kelley Herring - founder of Healing Gourmet has created a revolutionary 7-part health transformation program called Your Plate, Your Fate that reveals how you can protect your health and optimize your weight by maximizing the nutrients in your food. Get all the details and learn how to get 3 bonus books right here.

For advice about which foods you should - and shouldn't - be eating to stay in top health, sign up for ETR's free natural health newsletter.]

Get complete A-Z online marketing training at no cost..

Over 3000 people joined on the first day, don't get left behind with this new Web 3.0 training!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer-Ready Body in 10 Minutes a Day - No Gym Required!

By Yarixa Ferrao

Don't tell me you feel embarrassed to put on a bathing suit... and then tell me you don't have time for exercise. That's NOT a good excuse. You can do a high-intensity workout in less than 10 minutes. Better yet, you can do it at home or in your office, between meetings, while the laundry is drying, or after lunch. All it takes is a dynamic warm-up, 3 to 4 full-body exercises, and a couple of minutes of stretching afterward.
The Squat-to-Press is one quick and efficient exercise that will get your body ready to hit the beach in no time. It requires two dumbbells - 3, 5, or 10 pounds, depending on your fitness level. Focus on your core while you do it, keeping your abdominals tight.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand. Bend your arms up toward your shoulders, palms facing toward each other. Lower your body into a squat position. Your knees should not bow out over your toes. Your chest should almost touch the top of your thighs, and your elbows should nearly touch your knees.
Now, pressing up through your heels, rise to a standing position. At the same time, reach your arms up straight above your head. Contract your glute muscles at the top of the movement. Then return to a squat position, lowering your arms to their original position. Repeat 10 times.

Alternate high-intensity, full-body exercises like the Squat-to-Press with sprints (1-10 sets of 50 to 100 yards) for the next 4 to 6 weeks, 3 to 6 times a week. If you're a beginner, start with 1-2 sets 3 days a week and gradually increase by adding either an extra set or an extra sprint each week for the next 4 to 6 weeks.

Larry @ Close a loan in 20-days...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Relaxed Mind - Relaxed Body

By Matt Furey

It is imperative that you learn to relax, physically and mentally.
Why is this? Because a mind that is filled with stress cannot easily transfer a positive mental picture to your subconscious.

The good news is that regardless of how much stress you feel, you can learn to relax very quickly. Regardless of how much of yesterday you are carrying into today, you can get yourself to emotionally unwind and let go within seconds.

One of the fastest ways is to pay attention to your breathing.

Watch yourself breathe. Inhale deeply. Pay attention to the air filling your lungs. Exhale deeply. Feel the bad energy leaving your body.

After a few deep breaths you'll wonder where all the mental stress went - and once you get your muscles to simply "let go," you're ready to work on improving your self-image. You're ready to begin building the NEW YOU - the person you instinctively know you can be, the person you really really want to be.

It's a great idea to visualize the new you for a few minutes just before dropping off to sleep. But be careful. Avoid the temptation to lie down for your "Theatre of the Mind" session. Sit up in bed or on the side of the bed with your feet on the floor. This will help you avoid falling asleep before you get to the highlights.

If you visualize before you fall asleep your subconscious mind will work on your goals while you're in a dream state. And that's a wonderful thing to know.

If you doubt that what you think about before sleep will have an effect on you the next day, consider this. Most people go to bed with a final thought of "I'm tired." Hence, they wake up tired.

The very first time you say to yourself, "Tomorrow I'm going to wake up feeling totally energized and refreshed" - you will discover that you no longer wake up feeling tired.
Try it if you don't believe me. I dare you.

Here's another example of how you bring ideas into your dream state:

Yesterday I was practicing my kung fu form in the park. When I got halfway through, I had a surprising revelation. I remembered how I was practicing some improvements I wanted to make in my form while in my dream state. And there I was, doing my form in the waking state with the improvements in place.

I didn't consciously try to make those improvements. They happened subconsciously while I was dreaming and carried over to my waking state.

Made me wonder... in which state am I getting more accomplished?

[Ed. Note: Want to get more accomplished while you sleep as well as while you're awake? Then latch onto the powerful, dynamic, and magnetic self-image exercises in Zero Resistance Living. This program will change your life... FAST. Go here and order NOW.

For more ideas about how to beat stress, sign up for ETR's FREE natural health newsletter here.]

Larry Potter