Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cocoa: Packed With Cancer Fighters

By Kelley Herring

Are you a chocolate lover? Good news! Cornell food scientists recently found that cocoa is teeming with antioxidants that help prevent cancer.

In fact, according to their recent research published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, cocoa has nearly twice the antioxidants of red wine and up to three times the amount found in green tea.

But there is a caveat. You'll do more harm than good if you start chowing down on sugar-laden chocolate. You're best bet to benefit from the bean is to use organic, unsweetened, non-alkalized cocoa.

Stir it into coffee, whirl it into berry smoothies, or try delicious chocolate desserts made with the all-natural "Super Sweetener of the Future": erythritol.

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