Thursday, February 19, 2009

How to Eat Better

By Jon Benson

How would you like to feel better... look better... stop struggling with excess body fat... and help support your community? No joke.

Simply choose to eat fresh veggies and meats instead of mass-produced foods.

Filmmaker Chris Taylor - creator of the documentary Food Fight ( - points out some of the many benefits of organic foods:

1. You will eat less when you eat organically grown foods. Your body's
natural appetite mechanisms kick in when they are not suppressed by the chemicals found in grocery store foods.

2. Long term, you will save big bucks on doctors' bills and other medical costs.

3. You will taste food, perhaps for the first time. Once you taste what "real" carrots taste like (or real broccoli... or real beef), you will never want to settle for less. Food should taste fantastic!

4. By supporting local farmers, you will be helping to build a stronger bond-based community.

What about cost? Well, it's a bit more expensive to eat this way... but not much. And because you eat less - and save on medical bills - it balances out.

Don't think you have to make every meal nothing but organic veggies and grass-fed farm protein. No way. But changing just ONE meal a day... or two... will make a world of difference.

[Ed. Note: Start eating better today with help from ETR's natural health newsletter. You'll find dozens of healthy eating strategies plus delicious recipes for meals that can help you feel better and live longer. And that's not all... (read on here)

If you want to lose weight while enjoying your favorite foods, get your copy of nutrition and fitness counselor Jon Benson's Every Other Day Diet system. Try it for 60 days and prove to yourself that it works.]

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