Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Fight the Common Cold
Feel a cold coming on? You may want to stay away from the pharmacy.
Over-the-counter drugs only relieve symptoms. They don't get rid of the viral infection causing them.
Instead of relying on over-the-counter drugs, keep yourself from getting sick in the first place. A lot of people think there is nothing you can do to stave off the common cold. But in my practice, we've proven that's not true. You can, for example:
Take vitamin C. You should take 500 mg a day of this potent antioxidant consistently. If you feel a cold coming on, increase that to 1,000 mg. This old standby really is one of your body's best immune defenses - if you take enough. The recommended daily allowance of 60 mg a day will do nothing.
Use Echinacea, an herb that Native Americans have been using for centuries. While it's a strong immune booster, it's best not to take it regularly. Drink one to two cups of Echinacea tea a day during cold and flu season. You can also take Echinacea capsules, 500 mg a day - but I prefer the tea.
Try Goldenseal, another Native American plant. This is a strong bacterial fighter, including the bacteria that cause strep throat. You can find powdered Goldenseal in capsule form at most health food stores. Gargle a solution of Goldenseal and water at the first sign of a sore throat. Use 100 mg three times a day.
Monday, February 23, 2009
4 Secrets of Professional Bodybuilders That Will Help You Gain Huge Muscles Fast - A Must Read
Would you like to speed up building those huge muscles? Professionals can give you the edge you need. They know what the key is to producing the six pack abs and bulging biceps you desire....
There are foods that you can eat that will increase your muscle mass. You will need a combination of carbohydrates, protein and fat. The progress that you will make when you eat properly comes from how much you eat and when you eat it.
Smaller meals throughout the day will do more to help you than eating three larger meals. Your metabolism is regulated better this way, so you don't lose muscle mass; you increase it.
You must target every area of your body. This is a little known secret that bodybuilders have kept to themselves until now. You must exercise each muscle completely so that you can achieve the desired results. Mix it up so that you aren't doing the same exercises at the same time every day or week. The body gets used to the same routine and it stops producing results, so you must change the areas that you work on as well as what weights you lift.
Getting the proper amount of rest is also crucial to building huge muscle mass. Every bodybuilder will tell you that the body must achieve rest for it to continue to provide results.
Professional bodybuilders also use nutritional supplements, and we don't mean steroids. There are many acceptable nutritional aids that can be used that work in tandem with your body to get that huge muscle mass you want.
Following the guidelines that the professional bodybuilder uses to gain huge muscle mass quickly should provide you with the same results. Be consistent and follow their lead to a great body.
An absolute must know for you- But there are secrets about body building you don't know yet.
So...don't sit back and relax. Get on the edge of your seat because you are about to be introduced to the dirty little secrets of body building you were never told. These secrets are so effective that they would get you the body you desire within a matter of a few months without any hard supplements or steroids. This is only known to a few and you are one of the lucky one's who is being introduced to this shocking secret click here- Tell me the Secret
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rahul_Talwar
Thursday, February 19, 2009
How to Eat Better
How would you like to feel better... look better... stop struggling with excess body fat... and help support your community? No joke.
Simply choose to eat fresh veggies and meats instead of mass-produced foods.
Filmmaker Chris Taylor - creator of the documentary Food Fight (foodfightthedoc.com) - points out some of the many benefits of organic foods:
1. You will eat less when you eat organically grown foods. Your body's
natural appetite mechanisms kick in when they are not suppressed by the chemicals found in grocery store foods.
2. Long term, you will save big bucks on doctors' bills and other medical costs.
3. You will taste food, perhaps for the first time. Once you taste what "real" carrots taste like (or real broccoli... or real beef), you will never want to settle for less. Food should taste fantastic!
4. By supporting local farmers, you will be helping to build a stronger bond-based community.
What about cost? Well, it's a bit more expensive to eat this way... but not much. And because you eat less - and save on medical bills - it balances out.
Don't think you have to make every meal nothing but organic veggies and grass-fed farm protein. No way. But changing just ONE meal a day... or two... will make a world of difference.
[Ed. Note: Start eating better today with help from ETR's natural health newsletter. You'll find dozens of healthy eating strategies plus delicious recipes for meals that can help you feel better and live longer. And that's not all... (read on here)
If you want to lose weight while enjoying your favorite foods, get your copy of nutrition and fitness counselor Jon Benson's Every Other Day Diet system. Try it for 60 days and prove to yourself that it works.]
Monday, February 16, 2009
2 Unlikely Sources of Fat-Loss Advice
Recently, I came across two quotes that are unlikely sources of fat-loss advice. The first is from legendary real estate speculator Frank McKinney: "Figure yourself out. Spend time in introspection." The other is the title of a coaching program from Dan Sullivan: "Discover your strengths."
Both quotes serve as a reminder to take the time to identify our strengths, and then to focus on those strengths for business success. And that's exactly what we should do for fat-loss success.
So take a good 15-30 minutes today to figure out your strengths and weaknesses. When do you always have energy? Identify that and try to plan your workouts at that time. What foods do you really like that are also good for your health and fat loss? Think about that and stock your fridge and cupboards with those foods.
A bit of reflection can help you re-engineer your life to suit your strengths and get you more results. Plan your day. Design your life. Engineer your success. Don't be afraid to be a little bit "selfish" and make time for YOU! Once you start planning for success, you are already on the path.
[ Note: Having a specific plan in place can help you shed the pounds. But it can also help you accomplish anything you set your mind to. Discover dozens of tools that can help you get everything you want out of life right here.
Get a head start on your weight-loss goals with fitness expert Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training program. Learn how you can get fit with three 45-minute workouts a week right here.]
Friday, February 13, 2009
Watch Now
Food That Wakes You Up
This little diet tweak could help you forget you even have a snooze button, thanks to the extra dose of tyrosine -- a building block for two important wake-up-your-brain chemicals.
Tyrosine helps make the wake-up brain chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine. "Studies show that people tend to think more quickly and feel more motivated and energetic when their brains are producing large amounts of these chemicals," writes Selene Yeager in the book New Foods for Healing.
In addition to eggs and yogurt, other food sources of tyrosine include almonds, chicken, avocados, bananas, and sesame seeds. Did you know? Starting your day with eggs can help you feel full longer, too.
Yeager recommends two more energy sources to help keep you sharp in the a.m.:
Orange juice -- The vitamin C in orange juice has been shown to help beat fatigue. Vitamin C can also help you stay slim. Here’s how.
Cream of Wheat -- This cereal contains 5 milligrams of iron, a nutrient that’s essential for energy, especially in women.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Keep Your Brain Young with This Vitamin
If you've been reading ETR for any length of time, you probably already know at least a half-dozen reasons why you should be taking a vitamin D supplement. Bone health. Mood improvement. Physical performance. Vitamin D's demonstrated anti-cancer effects. And if all that weren't enough, a new study adds another benefit: cognitive performance.
In the study, to be published in the Journal of Geriatric Psychology and Neurology, researchers from the University of Cambridge and the University of Michigan report an association between the risk of cognitive impairment in older folks and low levels of vitamin D.
More than 1,750 men and women 65 years or older were given neurocognitive tests. The testing revealed that 212 of the participants had cognitive impairment. The researchers then compared the vitamin D levels of those without cognitive impairment to those with cognitive impairment - and found that the risk of impairment significantly increased as vitamin D levels declined.
In fact, participants whose vitamin D levels were in the lowest 25 percent of the group had a whopping 2.28 times greater risk of cognitive impairment than those whose levels were in the top 25 percent. Since cognitive impairment is a major risk factor for developing dementia, anything you can do to lower your risk can help protect your brain for the long haul.
The best way to get adequate levels of vitamin D is through sun exposure. That means getting outside for about 10 to 20 minutes a day, three times a week - more often in the winter. I also personally recommend vitamin D supplements, about 1,000 to 2,000 IU daily. You can find vitamin D supplements at any health food store, even at Walmart.
[Ed. Note: For more information about natural methods that can improve your health - and help keep your weight down - check out nutrition expert Jonny Bowden's website, JonnyBowden.com.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Fight Stress, Fight Cancer
Have you ever noticed that you tend to get sick or catch a cold during times of stress? Most people underestimate the significance of that. The reason you get sick is because chronic stress lowers the body's production of natural killer (NK) cells. These are the immune cells that kill viruses - and they are also one of the body's primary defenses against cancer cells.
The effects of stress on immune function are well known by psychologists. Just browse through the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine, for example, and you'll find plenty of proof that stress not only reduces the number of NK cells that you produce, it can hamper the ones you have. It has other effects on immunity, too - none of them good.
Researchers at the Pittsburgh Cancer Institute studied a group of adult men who performed a high-stress task for 30 minutes. Not only did the men report increased feelings of tension, but their blood pressure and heart rate increased... and the effectiveness of their NK cells markedly decreased!
Some people think they thrive on stress, but they'd better think again.
One of the most effective things you can do for cancer prevention is to implement a stress management plan. Of course, it's not really possible to eliminate everything that causes stress in your life - and that's where adaptogenic herbs come in.
Adaptogenic herbs have traditionally been used to help prevent the physical imbalances that can result from stress. Some of my favorites are Astragalus, Holy Basil, Rhodiola, and ReloraO (a patented extract of two herbs that have long been used in Chinese medicine for their calming and health balancing effects). Astragalus and Rhodiola, in particular, have been found to increase NK cells. These herbs are not difficult to find. Just about every health food store and pharmacy sells them.
If you find yourself feeling stressed out day after day, don't underestimate the long-term impact that can have on your health. Take action today, even if it is simply to pick up a good adaptogenic herb.
[Ed. Note: Keeping your stress under control is one key to good health. For expert advice on how to stay stress-free, what to eat to stay fit, how to lose weight, and much more, sign up for ETR's free natural health e-newsletter.
It truly is possible to improve your health just by making wise choices when it comes to diet and lifestyle. James B. LaValle, RPh, ND, CCN - founder of the LaValle Metabolic Institute and a nationally recognized expert on natural therapies - can give you easy-to-understand directions for living the healthy life you've always wanted. Learn how to feel better and live longer right here.]