Friday, May 9, 2008

Foods That Make You Happy

Ever wish there were a happy pill to spritz up your spirits when you're out of sorts? To make you laugh when you're feeling down? Or to calm your nerves when you're about to bite someone's head off? Well, get this: There are several things in your kitchen that might just do the trick, and they taste a lot better than any pill.

A Little Dessert: Sugar soothes us when we're stressed -- or at least it soothes stressed-out rats -- which are remarkably good models for stress in people. But before you race to the vending machine with a license to binge, know that while a little sugar may soothe rattled nerves, too much will re-rattle them by causing havoc with your blood sugar. Here are some treats that’ll give you just enough:

· A small slice of angel food cake with 1/2 cup of strawberries
· 2 Fig Newman cookies and a 6-ounce glass of juice
· Fast Fruit-and-Chocolate Fondue:

o 1 cup fresh strawberries
o 1 peeled, sliced kiwi
o 1/4 cup fat-free chocolate syrup

Dunk fruit into syrup, lean back, and smile!

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