Friday, April 25, 2008

Boost Antioxidants

A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition evaluated the antioxidant content of foods after they were prepared in several different ways. Based on the results of that study, here's how to get far more free-radical fighting ability out of some of your favorites than they have when they're raw:

Carrots: Steaming boosts antioxidants by 291%; boiling by 129-159%.

Asparagus: Steaming boosts antioxidants by 205%.

Broccoli: Steaming boosts antioxidants by 122-654%.

Green Cabbage: Steaming boosts antioxidants by 448%.

Red Cabbage: Steaming boosts antioxidants by 270%.

Green Pepper: Steaming boosts antioxidants by 467%.

Red Pepper: Steaming boosts antioxidants by 180%.

Tomatoes: Steaming boosts antioxidants by 112-164%.

Spinach: Boiling boosts antioxidants by 84-114%.

Sweet Potatoes: Steaming boosts antioxidants by 413%.

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