Sunday, September 6, 2009

What the heck is Web 3.0 and theTRAFFICplan?

It's Web 1.0 + Web 2.0 = WEB 3.0

As you know, Web 1.0 was simply an acronym for eCommerce. Back then, retail stores wanted to do business on the internet rather than just using expensive retail storefronts. Many saw the power of the internet to attract an entirely new audience that may not have had the chance to visit their store in person. This would without doubt give them access to more potential customers for less cost.

Web 2.0, in its simplest definition and use today, has become an acronym for the everyday person's ability to communicate and collaborate globally using Social Networking. It has made things more user friendly to us, and as such, companies have come to embrace these new design and communication formats to engage with their customers.

Web 3.0 brings these two worlds together for the average person to be able to harness the power of the internet to begin to profit with multiple streams of income online by introducing products and services to their groups of followers (also known as their list and also as their tribe).

More info can be found at

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