Thursday, April 30, 2009
3 Simple Steps to Lose Belly Fat for a Healthy Heart
If you want to have a heart attack, drink a lot of soda, eat French fries, and build up a big old belly of fat. Studies have shown that hard belly fat, known as visceral fat, is the most dangerous fat of all. Researchers from the University of Michigan Department of Internal Medicine confirmed that your risk of cardiovascular disease is linked to the amount of belly fat you have. That nasty visceral belly fat secretes inflammatory compounds, and inflammation is associated with heart disease.If you have one of those hard bellies full of fat, you need to change in a hurry. Here's how to lose that belly fat in three simple steps.
First, start eating fewer calories than you need by eliminating sugars and foods that come in a bag or a box. Replace them with whole, natural foods, focusing on fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts.
Second, do short-burst exercises, focusing on total-body resistance training and interval training. Research shows that interval training is just as good as, if not better than, long cardio workouts for losing belly fat.
Third, get social support. You'll lose more belly fat if you exercise with a friend who is also losing belly fat, or if you spend time on weight-loss websites getting support from others on the forums.
[Ed. Note: No matter where you are in your weight-loss efforts, you don't need hours of cardio to get into tip-top shape. Learn how you can get fit with three 45-minute workouts a week with fitness expert Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program right here.
For more easy-to-follow advice on how to stay fit, lose weight, and eat right, sign up for ETR's FREE natural health e-newsletter.]
Larry Potter
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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Larry Potter
Monday, April 27, 2009
Calm Restless Legs With 3 Minerals

By Kelley Herring
Do you suffer from restless leg syndrome (RLS)? Until 2003, no one had heard of this "common yet under-recognized disorder" that keeps Americans awake at night.
In 2005, the FDA approved Requip, a dopamine agonist used to treat Parkinson's disease, for the treatment of moderate to severe RLS. In 2006, Mirapex, a similar drug, was released.
But what is the cause of restless leg syndrome? What is your body trying to tell you?
Well, it's not that you have a Requip or a Mirapex deficiency. It's that you're not getting enough calcium, potassium, and magnesium - the three minerals that affect muscle contraction and nerve transmission.
You can calm your legs naturally and get sound rest by ensuring you get enough of all three minerals. Opt for a daily dose of between 800 and 1,000 milligrams of calcium, 300 milligrams of potassium, and 500 milligrams of magnesium at bedtime.
One final note. If you're taking any pharmaceutical drug, your risk of RLS is higher. That's because most over-the-counter and prescription medications deplete vital nutrients. Learn more in Dr. James LaValle's book The Nutritional Cost of Drugs.
[Ed. Note: For more advice about which health breakthroughs are good - and bad - for your health, sign up for ETR's free natural health e-letter.
One of the best ways to stay healthy and live longer is to eat good foods. Nutrition expert Kelley Herring has collected dozens of her healthiest and most delicious recipes in her e-book, Guilt-Free Desserts. Pick up your copy today.]
Take Your Business To The Next Level, Tap Here Now
Saturday, April 25, 2009
How to Lose Fat Over the Weekend
Another weekend, another two or three pounds of fat? No way! Doesn't have to work like that.
Here are two "real life" fitness techniques that can help you just say "NO" to gaining weight.
Weekend Fitness Strategy #1: Work out first thing in the morning.
There's nothing magical about training first thing in the morning. I don't believe it will help you lose fat faster than exercising at any other time of the day.
Exercising first thing in the morning gets it out of the way. And if you have a busy weekend coming up, complete with family visits and household chores, the truth is that the morning may be the only time you'll get a chance to burn belly fat.
Weekend Fitness Strategy #2: Do short-burst workouts with multi-muscle exercises.
You can train your entire body with just two exercises. For example, you could perform a quick, powerful workout just by doing dumbbell squats and push-ups.
The dumbbell squat trains your upper back and your lower body. The push-ups obviously train your chest and arms, but your torso (abs) as well. That's a complete workout right there.
Do 8-12 reps for squats and 15-30 reps for push-ups. Don't rest between exercises and keep going for 10 or 20 minutes, whatever you have time for. That'll hit all of your body's hot zones.
[Ed. Note: Extending your life and living out your years in tip-top health is really a matter of making simple lifestyle choices - like making sure you exercise even on the weekends. For more easy-to-implement ideas about how to live longer and feel better, click here.
Want to burn more fat? Follow Craig's Turbulence Training exercise program.]
Sell A House In 2-Weeks--->
Friday, April 24, 2009
Don't Sabotage Yourself With All-Nighters
By John Carlton
When you are writing on deadline (or creating a marketing plan, redesigning your website, etc.) and your energy is starting to falter... do not rely on coffee or "power" drinks to stay alert.
If you're really tired, take a nap. It's a tactic all top writers know about. Stuff your brain with info, then go sleep for 20 minutes and let your subconscious synthesize and data-mine everything. When you wake up (don't sleep longer than 20 minutes or you'll get groggy), you will often be amazed at what's suddenly ready to be written.
I've done my headlines this way for most of my career.
I never force myself to stay awake. If you do, you'll spend three hours grinding out crap you'll have to toss anyway. By grabbing some brain-satisfying shut-eye when you require it, you can be more productive in half an hour than you could hope to manage in three bleary-eyed hours of trying to coerce results.
[Ed. Note: Get more unconventional tips for supercharging your career at John Carlton's blog napping is a technique that works for John Carlton. But there are hundreds of other "secrets" you can use to get out of tough spots in Early to Rise's Unscrew Your Life newsletter. Sign up today.
Larry Potter
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Diabetes: How to Avoid the Odds
The rate of Type II diabetes has almost doubled in the past 10 years, according to the results of a recent survey by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Alarmingly, the actual number of people with diabetes is probably higher, because the survey relied on people to self-report - and many are diabetic and don't even know it!
These results should not surprise us. The rate of Type II diabetes is bound to increase as Americans continue to gain weight and tip the scales toward obesity.
The scary truth is that by the time you reach age 60, you have a 1 in 3 chance of being diabetic. But you can avoid becoming a statistic by being aware of the warning signs and taking preventive action.
Take a look at your belly.
If your waist is bigger than your hips, you are insulin resistant and at increased risk, whether you are overweight or not. Losing weight is critical. But many times, stress is the biggest culprit in weight that is gained in the abdomen. So learn how to reduce or counteract the stress in your life.
Get your fasting blood sugar level checked.
Even levels below 100 mg/dL, once thought harmless, can forecast diabetes. For years, I have noticed that as blood sugar levels start to rise and no action is taken, it is usually a matter of WHEN, not IF, the person reaches the diabetic glucose level. Recent scientific research validates this observation. According to a landmark Kaiser-Permanente health plan study, blood glucose levels of 86 to 90 indicate an increased diabetes risk, levels of 90 to 94 indicate a 49 percent increased risk, and people with levels between 95 and 99 are 233 percent more likely to develop diabetes.
If your blood sugar is in an increased risk range, and especially if your waistline is growing, switch to a healthy low-carb diet.
Reduce sweets, grains, and other starches. And increase high-antioxidant, non-starchy vegetables, along with adequate protein and healthy fats.
Increase your intake of zinc, chromium, and magnesium.
These minerals can improve the effectiveness of insulin.
Start exercising.
[Ed. Note: Keeping your stress under control is one key to good health. For expert advice on how to stay stress-free, what to eat to stay fit, how to lose weight, and much more, sign up for ETR's free natural health e-newsletter.
It truly is possible to improve your health just by making wise choices when it comes to diet and lifestyle. James B. LaValle, RPh, ND, CCN - founder of the LaValle Metabolic Institute and a nationally recognized expert on natural therapies - can give you easy-to-understand directions for living the healthy life you've always wanted. Learn how to feel better and live longer right here.]
Larry Potter
Monday, April 20, 2009
Is Feeling Sore Good?
Some people feel like they did not get a good workout unless they're sore the next day. Some carry this to an extreme: They get so sore they can barely move.In all honesty, I've had great workouts where I literally could not walk up a flight of stairs afterward. Had to sleep in the car once.Is this necessary for muscle growth? No. Soreness is an indicator that you have done damage to the muscle fibers.
That's okay - in fact, it's the purpose of weight training. But excessive soreness means you've done too much damage. That kind of damage can take too long to repair - and that gets you out of your workout rhythm.The ideal soreness is felt 1-2 days after a workout, where you are a bit tender but not in pain. The longer you train, the less of this soreness you may feel... and that, too, is okay.
The real indicator of a good workout is what you do in the NEXT workout. Do youprogress? Do you feel stronger?
Do you get a good pump in your muscles?If so, you're on the right track - sore or not.[Ed. Note: Jon Benson is a 3-time bestselling fitness author. He offers a free 7-day Fat Loss Course and complimentary e-book, "The Radical Fat Loss Blueprint," on his website. Get it here.For easy-to-follow exercises you can do at home - plus dozens of strategies for getting fit and living longer - sign up for ETR's natural health newsletter.]
Larry Potter
Saturday, April 18, 2009
People who are Happy for No Reason incline their minds toward joy.
If you get 10 compliments in a day and one criticism, what do you remember?
For most people, it's the criticism.
Scientists call this "negativity bias" - primitive survival wiring that causes us to pay more attention to the negative than the positive.
To reverse this bias, get into the habit of consciously registering the positive around you: the sun on your skin, the taste of a favorite food, a smile or kind word from a co-worker or friend.
Then take a moment to savor it deeply and feel it.
Make it more than a brief mental observation. Spend 20 seconds soaking up the happiness you feel.
Larry Potter
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Attitude and Altitude, Higher and Higher
I'm a very busy person and my plate is full. Full of crumbs, that is. Perhaps if I scrape them together there'll bea sufficient heap of stuff to get me to the gym. Each crumb is aremnant of responsibility, need, desire, discipline and obligation,with a few flecks of inspiration along the edges. What's this? Yuk, amorsel of guilt. Trouble is, I don't have an appetite. However, I do have excuses: The gym is 30 minutes down the road, thetruck's dirty and the traffic stinks; it's cold, windy and greyoutside and my favorite T-shirt's in the washer; there's a newsletterto write and Mug's is curled up on my lap, purring. I'll go to the gym tomorrow. Crazy!
There was a time 50 years ago I had nothing I'd rather do thango to the gym! 40 years ago contests were coming up... off to the gym.30 years ago I ran the juice bar in the gym. 20 years ago I owned thegym. 15 years ago the gym owned me. 10 years ago I morphed into theBomber writing tales about the gym. Boom-Zoom. Today, "I'll go to the gym tomorrow." I don't think so.
I've heard rumors of people who did the ‘I'll-go-tomorrow' act andhaven't been seen or heard of since. Story goes they stepped too farfrom the pull of gravity and drifted into the worldly wastelands. Lifein the world minus the tug of iron is oft pointless and demoralizing;fattening and enfeebling. I exaggerate. It's not as if postponing a workout and your biceps shrivel up like prunes or your obliques hang down in gushy slabs overyour beltline or your butt wobbles and sags.
The absence of one training session does not result in the deterioration of your hard-earned musculature. It's scientifically impossible. Calm down,lighten up. Two workouts without the iron, however, and you're in big trouble;bloating, drooping and drooling are inevitable. Three and it's toolate, delirium and bed-wetting are not uncommon. Four, you're tabloid headlines... cute photos. And five, they forget your name; you becomea tube-fed number and are assigned a cot in Ward X. Dave who... the what? Never heard of him. I don't care if it's all in my mind. I miss a workout and I'm overcomewith anger, guilt and irrational behavior. I'm bitter and cruel oneminute and pouty and sad the next.
I pull on a baggy sweatshirt onlyto rip it off and replace it with a size-small black tanktop with I'm Bad slashed in red across the back. Laree says, "Hi, sweetheart." I say, "Don't start with me, wise-o." Later I say, "Do I look fat, honeybunny?" Then, I'm in the bathroom crying for no reason.
Laree, kettlebells in hand and pulling a weighted sled up the hill,just shakes her head and smiles when I'm bewildered and overcome with confusion grief. She hugs me and says with inevitability, "Have a smashing workout, ya crazy lug." She seats me in the pickup, aims itdown the hill, releases the emergency brake and I'm off to that place where the iron waits. What a trip.
I do not like to skip my workouts. I cannot afford to. Time is short.I only have 60 years invested in the action-packed sport, the first six or seven wasted on tag, kickball and the alphabet. Time is of the essence. Time is muscle. Time flys. Timeout for a shot of Bomber Blend. Yummy, Yummy, Good for your tummy... and good for your muscles, too.
Cheap Advertisement -- TrueStory.
We're told when lifting the iron is no longer appealing, when we'drather be changing a greasy truck transmission or undergoing a liver transplant, it's not the workout that's out of order, it's theattitude toward it. Iron is iron, it's lifeless. We, you and I who live and lift, are the problems, the troubled, the weak, the lost. Gee, thanks for the head trip. Another heavy load to carry, as if themetal wasn't enough. So now what? Attitudes are not fashionable or transformable like colorful balloons in the white-gloved hands of a party clown -- blow them up, stretchthem here, twist them there and tie them all together. Squeak, squeak,squeak... a happy face. It is, in fact, working out that transformsthe attitude.
Move that metal. Remember, missing a training session is not an option, unless you fallfrom a three-story window, take a bullet in the butt or are beamed upto Pluto ll. Not likely, nice try. The only solution toattitude-failure, training-ennui or workout let-go-sis is to drag yourself to the gym, burdens and all, and dump them when you getthere. Kerplunk! There's no load too heavy that a hearty workout won'tfix, moderate or eradicate. Push that iron. You can work seriously on your funky attitude before you heave theweighted bars, but why bother when in 10 minutes under their force themind is revived, riveted and recharging anyway.
Attitudes are unstablewavelengths. You can think positive, imagine life is neat, suggest toyour unconscious you will have a grand workout, but the fact is in theact. Lift that steel. I get a headache when I think positive. Besides being strenuous, it'slike admitting I'm negative and need a fix. Rather, I go straight forthe fix. I dash to the iron, grasp it by its neck and toss it aroundthe gym. Thud, crash, clank. It puts up a pretty good fight, even thelight stuff, but I always win. It's certain; even if I lose, I win.
We know the inside of a gym and the underside of a loaded bar. We knowthere was a time -- early childhood, or so it seems -- when planningour training was vitally important: the order of exercises, the setsand the reps. Today we know our training so well we can go by smell.The nose knows. Too much planning puts a tickle in me ole schnozolla. I can talk myself out of a good workout -- the greatest invigorator ofthe body, mind and soul -- by thinking too much about it. "I don'twant to go to the gym," is not a casual comment I share with myself.The cunning, whiny twit with his mouth full of gummy bears is limitedto the electrified fence on the far side of the crocodile-inhabited moat.
I'm succinct: Go gym – Plentiful rewards in powerful hands. No gym -- Tremendous burdens on trembling shoulders. Be there or be square. Or, probably, round... floppy in the wings,dumpy in the tail. This is your Captain speaking...Trim your ailerons, bombers, suck inthat fuselage... we're flying high... Godspeed... DD
You'll also find Dave's column online at the link below. 1
Larry Potter
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Give it time.....
If you have been wrestling with a problem all day without making any apparent
progress, try dismissing it from your mind, and put off making a decision until
you've had a chance to 'sleep on it.' Remember that your creative mechanism works
best when there is not too much interference from your conscious 'I.'
Larry Potter
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Better Butt Time
Try this one for a better backside: Lie on your back. Curl your knees up, but keep your feet on the floor. Then, using one leg at a time, lift your midsection off the ground and tighten (flex) your butt muscles. Do 10 reps, then switch legs. Do 10 more. Work your way up to five minutes or so of this exercise and you'll have a nicer booty in no time at all.
[Ed. Note: If you want to build more muscle in less time while you burn body fat, pick up nutrition and fitness counselor Jon Benson's book, 7 Minute Muscle. It's a complete system for dropping fat and building muscle that's guaranteed to work for you. Try it for 60 days and prove it to yourself. For more easy-to-follow exercises you can do at home - plus dozens of strategies for getting fit and living longer - sign up for ETR's natural health newsletter.]
Larry Potter
Monday, April 13, 2009
Is Your Salad Killing Your Cells?
Are you eating genetically modified foods? If so, you're being exposed to a common herbicide produced by Monsanto called Roundup.For the very first time, Roundup was tested on human cells. And the outcome was shocking and disturbing - even to the researchers.The tests were done on three different cell types in concentrations below agricultural recommendations - what would be considered low levels of Roundup residue in food or animal feed.
The results, published in Chemical Research in Toxicology, showed that the herbicide caused cell death in all three types of cells. The scientists say their research "... points to undesirable effects which are currently masked or hidden from scientific study." Indeed. If you haven't yet made the switch to organic foods - free of chemical contaminants and genetic modification - or animal foods that are pasture-raised (not grain fed), this is one more reason to do so. [Ed. Note: One of the best ways to stay healthy and live longer is to eat good foods.
Nutrition expert Kelley Herring has collected dozens of her healthiest and most delicious recipes in her e-book, Guilt-Free Desserts. Pick up your copy today.For more advice about which foods you should - and shouldn't - be eating to stay in top health, sign up for ETR's free natural health e-letter.]
Larry Potter
Saturday, April 11, 2009
10 Best Practices for Safe Workouts
When Carrie showed up for her first weight-loss workout with me, she was injured. Only three weeks earlier, she had made up her mind to lose weight. So she started running for 45 minutes per day. But doing so much, so soon was a bad idea for her body, given that she was 20 pounds overweight and hadn't gone running in years. It was no surprise that Carrie had developed a muscle strain in her upper thigh, which required weeks of rehabilitation to heal. This made our fat-burning workouts more difficult, because she couldn't do interval training or many of the bodyweight exercises I use with my clients. Over time, Carrie was able to heal her injury while losing fat with short-burst workouts. However, she should not have gotten hurt in the first place.
The first thing to remember about keeping your workouts safe is to avoid doing too much cardio.I don't understand why so many personal trainers still recommend long, slow cardio workouts for fat loss, when research has shown them to be relatively ineffective and experience tells me that cardio often just lands folks in the doctor's office.If I had met Carrie before she started running, here's what I would have told her to help her lose fat fast... without getting hurt.
Top 10 Rules for Safe Workouts
1. It is important to train conservatively and not overdo things. If you are doing resistance training (and everyone should), don't do any exercise that you aren't sure how to do. Always get personal instruction from a certified trainer.
2. Don't do anything that hurts or "doesn't feel right." There are plenty of alternate exercises for any exercise in any workout program. Just ask a qualified trainer for help.
3. Whenever you start a new resistance-training program, use lighter weights than normal and perform only one set per exercise. This will minimize the muscle soreness that you can expect with any new program.
4. If you need extra recovery time within the workout or between workouts, don't hesitate to take it. Most beginners only think about how they can do more and more exercise to help them lose weight faster. But everyone (from beginners to pro athletes) needs some days of light exercise to allow the muscles to repair. And don't worry. If you do the right type of exercise, you'll still lose fat even when you are not working out at the gym.
5. Check your ego at the gym door and start with the easier alternate exercises, even if you have exercised in the past. New movements - even those that "look easy" - will cause muscle soreness. This goes for yoga too. Many beginners overstretch and end up with the same kind of injuries often associated with weight training. So no matter what you do, be conservative.
6. Do not do interval training or hard cardio more than four times per week. Even pro athletes don't play hard every day. Doing too much cardio is the biggest reason beginners end up hurt, frustrated, and in the doctor's office. Research shows that all you need to lose belly fat is three interval-training workouts per week.When you do cardio, you're doing the same movement thousands and thousands of times in the same workout. If you have even the smallest injury, it will be magnified by this repetition.
7. Never skip a warm-up. Instead of using the treadmill to warm up (which is pointless), do a general bodyweight circuit of easy squats, easy push-ups, and ab planks to prepare your body for resistance training.
8. If you decide to use running as your form of interval training, make sure you have good running shoes, always do an extra-thorough warm-up, and choose a safe running surface (grass or trails rather than pavement/concrete). If you use a treadmill, please operate it safely.
9. If you have any type of injury at all, get medical attention and have a professional therapist rehabilitate the injury before you start an exercise program. You are better off committing three weeks to rehab now, before the injury becomes serious, than to neglect your body and be forced to stop exercising for three months (or more).
10. All together now: "Safety first!" Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise or diet program. There is no need to get hurt, no matter how serious you are about losing weight fast.
Don't Let Your Workouts Be the Reason You Can't Work Out
Those are the top 10 safety tips to keep in mind before you start your new fat-burning workout. Don't make the classic beginner mistake of doing too much exercise too soon. The great news is that, as a beginner, your diet will have a much greater impact on your weight loss results - so there's no reason to over-exercise.
Your program should include resistance training and interval training to help you burn fat, but you only need to exercise three times per week with total-body workouts. Take your body seriously! Train safe![Ed. Note: No matter where you are in your weight-loss efforts, you don't need hours of cardio to get into tip-top shape. Learn how you can get fit with three 45-minute workouts a week with fitness expert Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program right here. For more easy-to-follow advice on how to stay fit, lose weight, and eat right, sign up for ETR's FREE natural health e-newsletter.]
Larry Potter
Thursday, April 9, 2009
The Dose Doesn't Make the Poison
By Kelley Herring
If I got paid every time someone said "Oh, a little won't hurt me," I'd be a very rich woman. Unfortunately the only thing anyone gets from that misguided idea is poor health. Arsenic, lead, and trans-fats immediately come to mind. And mercury.In Dr. Mark Hyman's brilliant new book The UltraMind Solution, he notes that almost all of us have some level of mercury poisoning. If you eat tuna and/or have amalgam ("silver") fillings in your mouth, that means you.In mentally reviewing my meals, I recall hundreds of tuna sandwiches and sushi rolls. Do you?
Actor Jeremy Piven certainly does. The star of the HBO show Entourage - with a twice-a-day sushi habit - started to suffer from fatigue, dizziness, neuro-muscular dysfunction, and problems lifting his arms and legs. His doctor found his body's mercury level "almost six times the upper limit of normal and allowable." Mercury is nothing to meddle with. Here's how you can protect yourself:
1. If you're still eating tuna... stop. There are plenty of delicious, low-contaminant seafood options like wild salmon and sardines that you can enjoy without risk.
2. If you have amalgam fillings, get them safely removed.
3. Have your mercury levels tested, and work with a healthcare practitioner who uses chelation therapy to rid your body of heavy metals.
[Ed. Note: Extending your life and living out your years in tip-top health is really a matter of making simple lifestyle choices - like choosing low-contaminant seafood instead of tuna. For more easy-to-implement expert advice on how to lose weight, stay healthy, and live a longer, fuller life, sign up for ETR's natural health e-newsletter.One of the best ways to stay in peak condition is to eat good foods.
Nutrition expert Kelley Herring has collected dozens of her healthiest and most delicious recipes in her e-book Guilt Free Desserts. Pick up your copy today.]
Larry Potter
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Find Out If You Are At Risk
Want to know what your real odds are of having a heart attack? How about a stroke? Diabetes?
I think most "doctors' tests" are worthless. But some are vital.
It's important to know the difference.
I'm going to give you the three tests you absolutely must take if you want to help ensure your future health.
Statistically, the first test is far more accurate than any blood test. And get this: You can do it at home for free.
Test number one: Simply measure your waistline. Use a tape measure and do not pull it tight. Measure right below the navel.
Write down that number in inches.
Then measure your height (without shoes) in inches. Write that down too.
Multiply the results of your waist measurement by 2.
If this number is greater than your height, you are FOUR TIMES more likely to get heart disease.
Four times. That's more predictive than cholesterol tests by far. And a lot less expensive to boot.
Test number two: Know your SED rate. This is an inflammatory marker in the blood.
Test number three: Know your hsCRP and LP(a) levels. Both of these usually can be done with one test. Both are inflammatory markers, as well as key indicators of heart health.
It's virtually impossible to have a normal SED rate, a normal hsCRP level, anda normal LP(a) level and be at imminent risk for a heart attack, a stroke, or diabetes.
Go to your doctor and ask for these three blood tests. They are all crucial.
[Ed. Note: If you want to build muscle, burn body fat, and improve your overall health, pick up nutrition and fitness counselor Jon Benson's book, 7 Minute Muscle. It's a complete system for dropping fat and building muscle that's guaranteed to work for you. Try it for 60 days and prove it to yourself.
For easy-to-follow exercises you can do at home and delicious, healthy recipes - plus dozens of strategies for getting fit and living longer - sign up for ETR's natural health newsletter.]
Larry Potter
Monday, April 6, 2009
A Great Diet for Your Heart
One of the easiest and most effective things you can do to improve your health is to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.
Researchers from Iran's Obesity Research Center examined fruit and vegetable intake in 840 men and women from Tehran - and the results were dramatic. The subjects who ate a lot of different fruits and vegetables were significantly and inversely associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors.
Specifically, it appears that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables leads to lower LDL cholesterol in a dose-responsive manner. That means you'll get more benefits from eating an apple, an orange, a banana, and some broccoli than you will from just eating an apple and an orange.
So every time you are at the grocery store, add at least one new fruit and one new vegetable to your cart. You can choose from kiwi fruit, avocados, asparagus, pears, spinach, and so many other amazing foods.
Try to be a little better every week with your fruit and vegetable intake and you'll reduce your risk of heart disease in one of the simplest possible ways.
[Ed. Note: Extending your life and living out your years in tip-top health is really a matter of making simple lifestyle choices - like eating a wider variety of fruits and veggies. For more easy-to-implement ideas about how to live longer and feel better, click here.
Larry Potter
Want to burn more fat? Follow Craig's Turbulence Training exercise program.]