Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Organics: More Than Meets the Eye

By Kelley Herring

The next time you're at the grocery, pick up a conventionally grown apple and an organically grown apple. Smell them. While the organic apple will be more fragrant, there won't be much difference in the way they look.

But what you can't see can hurt you.

Pesticides - in "conventionally grown" fruits and veggies - are powerful endocrine disruptors. They affect your delicate hormonal system - which, in turn, affects everything from your weight and mood to your risk of cancer and infertility. And most Americans eat over a gallon of these health-harming chemicals each year.

Pesticides (and other endocrine disruptors) are measured in nanometers (nM). Professor Michael Mackay helps put the miniscule size of these compounds into perspective by using a Post-It note.
Hold a 3 x 3 inch Post-It note out in front of you - at arm's length. Now imagine how small that Post-It would look if it were halfway around the world from the spot where you are standing. Pretty small, huh? That is 3 nM - the size of one molecule of a pesticide.

In times of economic uncertainty, it's smart to jettison unnecessary expenditures. But paying a little more for healthy food is not an unnecessary expense. Choose only organic produce, wild fish, and organic pastured meats to stay healthy, strong, and mentally balanced - no matter what the economy does.

[Ed. Note: Extending your life and living out your years in tip-top health is really a matter of making simple lifestyle choices - like choosing organic, pesticide-free fruits and veggies. For more easy-to-implement expert advice on how to lose weight, stay healthy, and live a longer, fuller life, sign up for ETR's natural health e-newsletter.

One of the best ways to stay in peak condition is to eat good foods. Nutrition expert Kelley Herring has collected dozens of her healthiest and most delicious recipes in her e-book Guilt Free Desserts. Pick up your copy today.]

Larry Potter

Monday, March 30, 2009

Attack of the Clones

By Kelley Herring

If the thought of eating cloned meat doesn't appeal to you, make sure you're buying only pasture-raised meats.

In January of this year, the USDA officially defined "naturally raised" livestock as being raised:
without growth promotants (including growth hormones)
without animal byproducts in feed
without antibiotics (except for parasite-reducing ionophores)

While these three prohibitions are important, the USDA's definition doesn't address whether the animal came from cloned or genetically engineered stock, the environment in which it was raised (pastured or confined), or the type of feed it received (pesticide-free or pesticide-ridden grain).

Protect yourself by looking for "pasture-raised" and "grass-fed" and "organic." Visit the EatWild website for a directory of companies you can trust (e.g., U.S. Wellness Meats).

[Ed. Note: Eating right goes a long way toward helping you stay healthy and live longer. Pick up a copy of nutrition expert Kelley Herring's collection of recipes for dozens of delicious and guilt-free desserts today.

Larry Potter

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't Let the Recession Make You Overweight

By Craig Ballantyne

I'm no economics genius, so I can't help solve the recession. But I do know that times of stress cause some folks to eat more than they need - and that means weight gain for many.Japanese scientists studied 122 workers between the ages of 21 and 60. They found that work stress (in the form of tension, anxiety, and depression) was associated with an increase in what they called "eating to satiety" (meaning eating until they were completely full).

Unfortunately, eating to satiety was also associated with weight gain.The researchers concluded that work stress can negatively impact your eating patterns, causing you to gain weight. And in today's stressful world, that is not good news.So here's what you need to do. If stress is making you eat more, make sure you keep high-calorie, energy-dense processed carbohydrates (chips, cookies, baked goods, etc.) out of your house and office.

Load up on whole, natural foods - fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts. (Yes, nuts!) These foods will fill you up before you can eat too many calories, and you'll limit your risk of gaining weight, even if you eat to satiety due to stress.[Ed. Note: Extending your life and living out your years in tip-top health is really a matter of making simple lifestyle choices - like limiting your stress and adding whole, natural foods to your diet. For more easy-to-implement ideas about how to live longer and feel better, click here.

In addition to eating better, you can stay fit and burn fat by following fitness expert Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training exercise program.]

Larry Potter

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Edible Cancer Sticks

By Craig Ballantyne

You are not going to like this, but I refer to French fries as "edible cancer sticks." Here's why...
Polish researchers studied the effect of potato chip consumption on otherwise healthy volunteers. Potato chips and French fries are close cousins. Both contain relatively high concentrations of acrylamide, a potentially carcinogenic compound found in starchy foods that have been cooked at a high temperature.Fourteen subjects consumed 160 grams of chips daily. That's about 3/4 of a large bag, containing 157 mg of acrylamide. At the end of four weeks, they all had increased levels of oxidized LDL and C-reactive protein (a measure of inflammation).

They also had a significant increase in free radicals and a massive immune system response. It was as if their bodies were being attacked.The researchers did a follow-up on the subjects four weeks after they stopped eating the edible cancer sticks. Their systems were starting to come back to normal, but hadn't yet fully recovered.

Nasty stuff.

If you eat fries or chips every day, even if you are eating just a small amount, you are killing yourself slowly. As the Polish study shows, not only are you consuming a potentially carcinogenic substance, you are increasing your risk of heart disease. Now that's a two-for-one special you should pass on.[Ed. Note: Extending your life and living out your years in tip-top health is really a matter of making simple lifestyle choices - like choosing salad or fruit instead of chips or fries. For more easy-to-implement ideas about how to live longer and feel better, click here.

In addition to eating better, you can stay fit and burn fat by following fitness expert Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training exercise program.]

Larry Potter

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How to Build a Sexy Back

Jon Benson

You know that part of a woman's back that every guy likes? The "trench" that runs down the spine and comes alive when she wears an evening gown?Well, ladies, you can build this part of your back with just two exercises - two hard sets of each:

1. Low pulley cable rows
Using a cable row machine, keep your back at a near-90 degree angle to the bench. Pull to the lower part of your stomach, right around the navel. The trick: Pretend there are cords attached to your elbows pulling them backward. This helps you focus on the back muscles. Then squeeze the muscles together and lower the weight slowly.

2. Hyperextensions
On a hyperextension machine, lie down, face toward the floor, and lower your body slowly. Pull it back up to parallel using your lower and middle back muscles. This forces you to focus on making the muscles, not momentum, do the work. (Don't be afraid to use weight with this exercise, but build up to it.)

[Ed. Note: To build more muscle in less time while you burn body fat, pick up nutrition and fitness counselor Jon Benson's book, 7 Minute Muscle. It's a complete system for dropping fat and building muscle that's guaranteed to work for you. Try it for 60 days and prove it to yourself.

For more easy-to-follow exercises you can do at home - plus dozens of strategies for getting fit and living longer - sign up for ETR's natural health newsletter.]

Larry Potter

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Burn Fat With Spices

By Jon Benson

Not only can spices save an otherwise boring (but healthy) meal... turns out they can help you burn body fat through the process of thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is simply heat. And since a calorie is a unit of heat, guess what? More thermogenesis = more calories burned.A recent issue of The Journal of Physiology and Behavior cited numerous studies on several spices that increase thermogenesis, including these findings:

1. Capsaicin, the compound that gives red chili pepper its heat, increases energy via heat expenditure by up to 23 percent after being ingested at breakfast.2. Black pepper increases body heat (thermogenesis) by bonding to TRPV1 receptors in the brain.

3. Turmeric has both anti-cancer and pro-thermogenic support. Combine these three spices - red chili pepper, black pepper, and turmeric - and use them liberally (as much as your taste buds can handle). Just be careful not to overdo - or you'll end up with more heartburn than fat burn.

[Ed. Note: Start eating better today with help from ETR's natural health newsletter. You'll find dozens of healthy eating strategies plus delicious recipes for meals that can help you feel better and live longer. And that's not all... (read on here)

If you want to build more muscle in less time while you burn body fat, pick up nutrition and fitness counselor Jon Benson's book, 7 Minute Muscle. It's a complete system for dropping fat and building muscle that's guaranteed to work for you. Try it for 60 days and prove it to yourself.]

Larry Potter


Monday, March 23, 2009

Concerned About Diabetes? Go Organic

By Kelley Herring

Eating conventionally grown produce and meats and farm-raised fish? If so, you may be 38 times more likely to develop diabetes. A recent study published in Diabetes Care found a strong relationship between Type II diabetes and the body burden of six pollutants:

a PCB: hexachlorobiphenyl
2 dioxins: heptadioxin and OCDdioxin
2 pesticides: oxychlordane and trans-nonachlor, and
a pesticide metabolite: DDE, a metabolite of DDT

These contaminants were detectable in more than 80 percent of the study participants. And compared to participants in the lowest-exposure category, those in the highest-exposure category were almost 38 times more likely to have diabetes.

Don't think you're at risk? Think again. The average American takes in nearly a gallon of pesticides per year by eating conventionally grown fruits and vegetables.

Reduce your risk of diabetes (and many other chronic illnesses) by choosing only organic produce and meats and wild fish.

[Ed. Note: One of the best ways to stay healthy and live longer is to eat good foods. Nutrition expert Kelley Herring has collected dozens of her healthiest and most delicious recipes in her e-book Guilt Free Desserts. Pick up your copy today.]

For more advice on which foods you should - and shouldn't - be eating to stay in top health, sign up for ETR's free natural health newsletter.]

Larry Potter

Saturday, March 21, 2009

A No-Equipment-Necessary Strength Builder

By Craig Ballantyne

A "burpee" is a tough, advanced bodyweight exercise - strength and endurance packed into one - that you can do without any equipment. There are all sorts of variations, but my favorite is to add a push-up in the middle and a jump at the end. Here's how to do it:* Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.* Squat down, place your hands on the floor, and thrust your feet back into push-up position.* Do a push-up, and bring your knees back up to your chest.* Jump up as high as you can, landing with your knees slightly bent.* Repeat for 6-10 repetitions.Make sure you wear proper shoes and do this on a soft surface (not concrete or pavement).

[Ed. Note: You don't need fancy equipment, hours of cardio training, or even a gym membership to build muscle and burn fat. Learn how you can get fit with three 45-minute workouts a week with fitness expert Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training program right here.

For more easy-to-follow advice on how to stay fit, lose weight, and eat right, sign up for ETR's FREE natural health newsletter.]

Larry Potter

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Mercury for Breakfast

By Matt Furey

Want guaranteed improved health?Okay, you got it.Here's Tip #1 of my plan for how this can be accomplished: Eliminate high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from your diet completely.Not only has this sweetener caused a rapid increase in the number of people with diabetes in this country - but now we have reports that much of the HFCS out there contains measurable amounts of a toxic metal.What is this toxic metal? Mercury. That's right. Mercury.

One drop of mercury is supposed to be enough to contaminate an entire lake. And exposure to mercury has been connected with serious neurological disorders, including autism and Alzheimer's. But I guess it's okay for the fillings in your teeth - as well as our food supply. NOT!It's hard to imagine that HFCS could be made any worse for the human body than it already is, but the FDA - the people in charge of our food supply - have allowed it to happen.

Read the labels on everything you eat and drink. You'll be amazed.At my daughter's school, they give the kids breakfast bars for a treat. The number one ingredient is "filling." Guess what's number two? HFCS.Grab a bottle of your favorite sports recovery drink. Look at the ingredients. Whatever happened to these drinks being a source of electrolytes?Now you may call me an alarmist for telling you this. Then again, maybe what I'm telling you will lead to one of the most positive changes you will ever make in your life.

[Ed. Note: Matt Furey - a national collegiate wresting champion (1985) and a world shuai-chiao kung fu champion (1997) - is the author of the international bestsellers Combat Conditioning, Combat Abs, and Gama Fitness. Discover how you can increase your strength, endurance, and flexibility without lifting weights or long-distance running right here.

For unbiased information on critical men's and women's health issues... the latest breakthroughs in alternative medicine, fitness, and nutrition... as well as motivational guidance to help you achieve your goals, sign up for ETR's natural health newsletter.]

Larry Potter

Monday, March 16, 2009

1 Set of Dumbbells, 2 Muscle-Building Exercises

By Jon Benson

One of my favorite workouts to do when I'm traveling is "heavy/light" supersets. Supersets combine two movements (usually for two different body parts) back to back, without rest.

This gets the heart rate up and cuts down on workout time.A good example of the "heavy/light" technique is the workout I did today: Chest and Biceps.

Since I can press much heavier dumbbells than I can curl (and this is true for everyone), I use a lighter weight for my chest movements, getting 12-20 repetitions. I follow that immediately with seated curls. I use the same dumbbells, but now their weight allows me to do only 4-6 repetitions.

This is a great way to mix up your rep schemes without hogging the dumbbells or having to change weights mid-exercise. Give it a shot.

[Ed. Note: If you want to build more muscle in less time while you burn body fat, pick up nutrition and fitness counselor Jon Benson's book, 7 Minute Muscle. It's a complete system for dropping fat and building muscle that's guaranteed to work for you. Try it for 60 days and prove it to yourself.

For more easy-to-follow exercises you can do at home - plus dozens of strategies for getting fit and living longer - sign up for ETR's natural health newsletter.]

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Best Trainer for Your Mom

By Craig Ballantyne

My mom really started getting into fitness when she retired. It's kind of cute to see her put on her backpack and bike helmet and ride off into town to go do her exercises at the gym. It gives me an idea of what she must have been like at 10 years old.

But what if my mom wasn't internally motivated? What if I had to find a trainer for her?
Would it be best to ask "Beach Bunny Betty" to train her... or would she be better off with someone closer to her age?

Researchers from the University of Texas put 131 subjects through a 14-week, trainer-led fitness program. Half the subjects worked with a trainer who was in their peer group, while the other half worked with student trainers. Surprisingly, only the peer-trained group had significantly improved physical, mental, and social function at the end of the 14 weeks.

So if you are thinking of buying some training sessions for your mom or dad, don't bother with the cardio cutie or young-buck bodybuilder. Get a peer trainer for your parents for better results.

[Ed. Note: Regular exercise is one of the best ways to stay lean and healthy your whole life long. But you don't need hours of cardio to get into tip-top shape. Learn how you can get fit with three 45-minute workouts a week with Craig's Turbulence Training program right here.

For more easy-to-follow advice on how to stay fit, lose weight, and eat right, sign up for ETR's FREE natural health newsletter.]

YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyDWHFCYlaM

Larry Potter

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Double-Whammy

By Jon Benson

If you believe "a calorie is a calorie"... I have news for you. All calories are not created equal.For example, it requires more body energy to process calories from protein. You burn about 25 percent of the protein calories you consume just on digestion and biochemical processing. That's one of the many reasons a high-protein diet burns more body fat.The other side of the coin is processed foods - white flour, cheap breads, sugar, and so on. It's not just their calories, which tend to be very high, it's the fact that these foods rob the body of nutrients that are vital to health.Many of the natural substances that trigger the brain to recognize that the body has eaten enough are removed from processed foods. That's the main reason you tend to eat a lot more of these high-calorie foods without feeling full. Some manufacturers even add chemicals to trick the body into believing it is not full so you will eat more!Talk about a double-whammy!The best way, by far, to become leaner and healthier is to get 75-80 percent of your food from whole, unprocessed sources. Grass-fed beef, free-range chicken and eggs, lots of fresh organically grown veggies, low-sugar fruits, and a few whole grains.

There's no reason to deny yourself your favorite foods and try to be "perfect." I've proven you do not have to do that in order to be lean and healthy.But just remember that when you eat processed foods, you're getting a double-whammy: more calories, and the food itself makes you want to eat more than you should.Think about it.

[Ed. Note: Start eating better today with help from ETR's natural health newsletter. You'll find dozens of healthy eating strategies plus delicious recipes for meals that can help you feel better and live longer. And that's not all... (read on here)

If you want to lose weight while enjoying your favorite foods, get your copy of nutrition and fitness counselor Jon Benson's Every Other Day Diet System. Try it for 60 days and prove to yourself that it works.]

Larry Potter

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Enjoy Grass-Fed Steak... With a Side of Spinach

By Kelley Herring

Do you have to abstain from juicy steaks and seared lamb chops to lower your risk of colon cancer? Maybe not. Enjoying antioxidant-rich side dishes when you eat red meat could do the trick.

Recent research shows that antioxidants have the potential to neutralize the health-harming effects of both the iron and the oxidized fat. In fact, a 2005 study showed that eating spinach along with red meat eliminated all irritation of the colon that can set the stage for cancer.

Along with enriching your plate with antioxidants, there are three additional things you can do:

1. Choose ONLY Grass-Fed: Grass-fed beef is 300-400 percent higher in conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) - a natural fat that promotes weight loss and reduces the risk of cancer.
2. Drink a Glass of Pinot: Drinking wine with your steak neutralizes the harmful cancer-causing agents formed when red meat is being digested.
3. Cook Slow & Low, & Marinate Well: Some of the most potent cancer-causing agents are heterocyclic amines (HCAs). You can avoid their ill effects by marinating your meat with antioxidant-rich spices and herbs and then slow-cooking it.

Most important, enjoy your healthy, grass-fed beef, buffalo, or lamb in moderation. That means about 3 ounces (a piece about the size of a deck of cards) a few times a week.

[Note: One of the best ways to stay in peak condition is to eat good foods. Nutrition expert Kelley Herring has collected dozens of her healthiest and most delicious recipes in her e-book Guilt Free Desserts. Pick up your copy today.

For more advice on which foods you should - and shouldn't - be eating to stay in top health, sign up for ETR's free natural health newsletter.]

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cold Coffee: A Hot Idea

By Kelley Herring

Coffee is not just a breakfast drink or an afternoon pick-me-up. Recent research shows that coffee can reduce your risk of cancer. And you can make your java even healthier if you use a "Toddy."

A Toddy is cold-brewing system created four decades ago by Todd Simpson (a chemical engineering graduate of Cornell University). It is based on a method that's been used for centuries in South America.

Cold-brewing creates coffee with 67 percent less acid than conventional hot-brewing. The result: bold, smooth, sweet flavor. But that's not all... Our bodies are already overloaded with acid as a result of the typical American diet. And coffee contributes to the problem. But using a Toddy (which costs around $40) can slash the acid so significantly that even sufferers of chronic acid indigestion and other digestive disorders can enjoy a cup of joe.

[Ed. Note: One of the best ways to stay healthy and live longer is to eat good foods. Nutrition expert Kelley Herring has collected dozens of her healthiest and most delicious recipes in her e-book Guilt Free Desserts. Pick up your copy today.

For more advice on which foods you should - and shouldn't - be eating to stay in top health, sign up for ETR's free natural health newsletter.]

Larry Potter

Monday, March 9, 2009

Migraines? Blame Your Belly

By Kelley Herring

Blasting belly fat may have yet another health benefit: fewer migraines.

Recent research conducted at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia evaluated 22,211 participants between the ages of 20 and 55. The researchers found that those with larger waistlines were more likely to have migraines than people the same age who had smaller waistlines. The results seemed most relevant for women. In those with excess belly fat, the odds of having migraines were 1.3 times higher than in those with trimmer tummies.

Belly fat isn't the only thing that researchers have connected to migraines. There are many substances in food that can act as triggers, including tyramine (in red wine, aged cheese, smoked fish, chicken livers, figs, and some beans), monosodium glutamate (MSG), nitrates (in cured bacon, hot dogs, and lunchmeats), alcohol, salt, lactose, and tryptophan.

Migraine triggers are different for everyone. If you suffer from migraines, keep a food journal to help identify your personal triggers and stop the migraine chain reaction before it starts.

[Ed. Note: The first step to keeping slim is to eat healthful food. Nutrition expert Kelley Herring can help. With her e-book Guilt Free Desserts, you'll discover dozens of delicious and healthy recipes that you can easily make at home. Pick up your copy today.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Get Back to Basics

By Kelley Herring

Do you remember using litmus paper in science class to test the pH of a liquid? You'd dip the strip into a solution of lemon juice or baking soda and see if it was acidic or basic.

But a better use for that litmus paper may be to test your pH.

Without the proper acid/alkaline balance, enzymes don't work, oxygen delivery to cells suffers, and the body struggles to complete vital biochemical processes.

The culprit? Our modern diet.

Our meals are packed with acid-forming foods - especially sugars and refined grains, along with too much meat. And we eat too few alkaline-forming fresh foods - greens, vegetables, and fruits.
Get back to basics by aiming for at least 60 percent of your meals to be fresh and unprocessed, packed with these foods:

Cruciferous veggies
Citrus fruits (especially lemons)
Fermented veggies (like sauerkraut)

[Note: One of the best ways to stay healthy and live longer is to eat good foods. Nutrition expert Kelley Herring has collected dozens of her healthiest and most delicious recipes in her e-book Guilt Free Desserts. Pick up your copy today.]

For more advice on which foods you should - and shouldn't - be eating to stay in top health, sign up for ETR's free natural health newsletter.]

Larry Potter

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Baby-Stepping to Fat Loss

By Craig Ballantyne

It's no surprise that a lot of the contestants on TV's "The Biggest Loser" regain the weight once they're off the show. To maintain their new weight, they'd have to sustain the show's extreme lifestyle. Nearly impossible. So what's a better way to lose weight? Take baby steps.

Dr. James Hill, from the Center of Human Nutrition in Denver, Colorado, is famous for the research studies which found that folks who eat breakfast are better able to keep off lost weight. He now claims that "small reductions in conscious energy intake and increases in physical activity can reduce excessive weight gain."Listen, you didn't gain all that weight overnight. You're not going to lose it overnight. So just focus on making small changes - and the simplest changes to make are in your diet.

This weekend, take 30 minutes to plan your shopping list and meals for the following week. Then go to the grocery store, come home, and prepare as many of those meals as possible.Cook a bunch of chicken breasts at once. Wash and cut up fresh vegetables to have on hand for snacks and to prepare filling side dishes. Every day next week, take a baby step and eat one additional serving of fruits or vegetables.Make those small diet changes and ease your way into a workout program. By doing this consistently, just imagine how healthy and lean you can be just 90 days from now.[Ed. Note: If you have a hard time reaching the goals you set for yourself, you're not alone. But ETR is here to help. Success mentor Bob Cox can help you make your dreams come true in 2009 and beyond. He'll give you weekly motivation, easy-to-follow success strategies, and - if you need it - a kick in the pants. Learn the details here.

Get a head start on your weight-loss goals with fitness expert Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training program. Learn how you can get fit with three 45-minute workouts a week right here.]


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Off-Day Exercise

By Craig Ballantyne

If you want to lose weight, don't bother with cardio machines. As I've shown in past issues of ETR, long-duration cardio exercise is not only overrated for fat loss, it just plain doesn't work.

The best way to sculpt your body is to focus on your diet and do a short resistance training and interval training workout three times a week. That doesn't mean you do nothing the other four days. You need to stay active with what I call "off-day exercise."The main goal of off-day activity is to do something enjoyable that keeps your butt off a chair for at least 30 minutes. You don't want to exercise so hard that you impair recovery from your previous "real" workout or get sore, which could end up ruining your next "real" workout.

Be conservative. When in doubt, do less than you think you should.Beginners and intermediates could do 30 minutes of light cardio, walking, house/yard work, or a combination of bodyweight exercises (easy ones) and light cardio. Even dancing is fine. Dog walks are good. Do a little exploring! Playing sports would probably be too much.

The heavier you are, the more you should focus on non-weight-bearing activities - like swimming, the elliptical trainer, and the stationary bike - until you lose a significant amount of weight.

Yoga, Pilates, and other methods of "mobility training" are acceptable off-day forms of exercise. Plus, they are highly beneficial for stress reduction.

If you insist on "machine cardio" for your off-day exercise, it's best to do "cross-training." That means doing a different exercise with each 30-minute workout or doing 10 minutes each of three different exercises in the same workout. This will help avoid overuse injuries, which is one of the main downfalls of cardio (along with its inefficiency).[Ed. Note: As fitness expert Craig Ballantyne points out, you don't need to do hard-core exercise every day to see real results. Learn how you can get fit with three 45-minute workouts a week with Craig's Turbulence Training program right here.

For more easy-to-follow advice on how to stay fit, lose weight, and eat right, sign up for ETR's FREE natural health newsletter.]

Larry Potter

