Monday, October 27, 2008

Want healthier cells in just 8 hours?

Your body does important things while you sleep -- like healing your cells. But just one night of tossing and turning could trigger cell-damaging inflammation. So turn off the tube, slip on that sleep mask, and get your 40 winks.

Inflamed in the Membrane

In a recent study, sleep-deprived people -- especially women -- showed a marked increase in their levels of a protein called NF-kB. That’s bad news, because NF-kB plays an essential role in the body’s inflammation response. The study may help explain why poor sleep is associated with several inflammation-related disorders, including cardiovascular disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and obesity.

Mini Mind-Body Makeovers

Need help adjusting to the end of daylight saving time? Or getting over jet lag? Or just sleeping through an average night? Doze your way to good health with these tips:

Refresh yourself on the basics. Find out when to sleep, what temperature is best, and which foods to eat.

You move, you snooze. You might associate stretching with waking up, but it can help you nod off, too. Stretch yourself to sleep.

Develop good sleep habits.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Anti-Aging Effects of Exercise

Growth hormone is known as a "fountain of youth" in the anti-aging community because it helps build muscle and burn body fat. But research has shown that people who are overweight tend to have lower growth hormone levels.

Exercise is a proven way to boost those levels. However, most overweight individuals can't do the 30 minutes of continuous exercise that it takes. So researchers from the University of Virginia wanted to see what would happen if they split their subjects' workouts into shorter sessions.

The researchers had their subjects do either 30 minutes of continuous exercise or three 10-minute sessions, at the same intensity, spread out over the course of the day. Both groups achieved similar growth hormone levels, which led the researchers to conclude that the "split workout" would work just as well as continuous exercise.

These results aren't just good news for obese folks who can't handle 30 minutes of exercise at a time. They also offer relief to busy men and women who have a better chance of finding time for three short exercise sessions instead of one long one.

For maximum body-transformation results, I recommend one 10-minute session each of strength training, interval training, and bodyweight exercises. This will help you build muscle, burn fat, and improve your mobility.

I believe short sales will be going strong for the next six
months until this program can kick in. Picking them up for
50 cents on the dollar should be no problem.

Once the program kicks in (if it does), then I think we will
be looking at 60-70 cents on the dollar.

I had one guy approach me this evening wanting to use
our 1% funds (plus a $350 fee) on what he said was a
short sale. He could buy for $350k and sell for $360K!

To me that was not a short sale! I told him to keep looking.
Our typical deals working with this special funder go something
like this:

You line up a prequalified buyer to purchase from you and this
funder provides you with the Proof of Funds and the Cash to buy
the short sale from the Bank.

Cost of Funds is 1% plus $300 flat fee, all paid from your
profits at your end buyer's closing.


You buy a home worth $200,000 in a short sale for $100,000 and
resale for $150,000.

You keep $50,000 minus 1% (1,000+$300 flat fee).

Your profit is $48,700, not bad considering they don't even
look at your credit!

I think he got the message and is looking for a real deal.

Larry Potter

Monday, October 20, 2008

H2O Weight Loss

File this one under "hard to believe." Still, researchers from California believe they have found a simple - free - way to lose weight.

The researchers looked at 173 overweight women (aged 25-50) who reported drinking less than one liter of water per day. These women were then instructed to increase their water consumption, and were studied for a year.

Remarkably, the researchers found that the increased water intake was associated with a significant increase in both weight loss and fat loss. The results suggest that if an overweight woman drinks less than one liter of water per day, the simple act of drinking more water may be beneficial.

The researchers think that drinking the water may promote weight loss by lowering total energy intake and/or altering metabolism. So while it is hard to believe that weight loss could be that simple, the results of this study support the many personal trainers and nutritionists who insist that their weight-loss clients immediately begin drinking more water.

If you drink next to no water, add three cups of water per day to what you're already drinking this way: Drink one cup immediately upon waking, another cup as soon as you get to work, and a third cup in the afternoon, just before you leave work. That's easy, isn't it? And it might just give your fat loss a boost.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Does Joe The Plumber Have This?

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It’s not uncommon to overeat when you’re under a mountain of stress. And with all the talk of dwindling markets and possible recession, stress is probably eating at you right now.

Though your natural instinct might be to reach for that bag of white cheddar popcorn or box of donut holes, comfort foods might be sapping you of energy and self-esteem, and causing you more anxiety in the long run.

Studies show stress packs a triple whammy on the gut: It makes you eat more, it makes you eat more of the wrong stuff, and the stress hormone cortisol causes you to store belly fat, putting you at greater risk of heart attacks, strokes, and high cholesterol.

Beat stress with exercise: 30 minutes of exercise a day is proven to boost cognitive performance and increase serotonin levels, lifting your mood. So go for a trail run outside and catch some fall color, or work out indoors with the Belly Off! Fully Loaded exercises. Vary your routine and get more for your bang: Switch up your grip on machines that have multiple handles, or try placing your feet farther apart on the leg press to challenge your muscles from a variety of angles.

Eat mood-lifting foods like omega-3-rich salmon, and drink a cup of energy-boosting green tea, which also contains the herbal extract Theanine, a proven stress-reliever. Fill up on seasonal favorites such as peanuts, pumpkins, and apples—they’re not only good for you, but they’re also relatively cheap.

And that’s good for the bottom line.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Worse for Your Health?

Table sugar, honey, and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Which sweetener is worse for your health? The Corn Refiners Association would like you to believe they're all the same.

After a recent release by the American Medical Association stating that HFCS is "unlikely to contribute more to obesity than other caloric sweeteners," the Corn Refiners Association launched a marketing campaign estimated to cost as much as $30 million to "set the record straight."

So, what is the truth?

While HFCS has the same glycemic index as table sugar (85-92), numerous studies show that it behaves differently in the body - short-wiring our metabolism, encouraging fat storage, and causing lipid dysfunction.

In fact, between 1970 (when HFCS was introduced) and 2000 (when the average annual consumption of HFCS reached 73.5 pounds per person!), the prevalence of obesity more than doubled. The incidence of metabolic syndrome and Type II diabetes has also increased.

Your best bet? Choose none of the above. Steer clear of any added sugars in foods and drinks. And satisfy your sweet tooth safely with healthier options like all-natural, calorie-free stevia and erythritol.

Larry @

Have a good weekend...